
Aku Tidak Butuh Hidup 1000 Tahun lagi,Aku hanya Mau Hidup 1000 Karya Lagi

Senin, 18 April 2011

Perjalanan menuju MELBOURNE University

every one have a dream. i have a dream continue my study another country.
i think indonesia is good,
but i find a behaviour, struggle, experience n a like traveling.
Melbourne is my choise, i hope i can.
we need a much money? yeah, i know that n I DON'T HAVE MONEY NOW,
but i optimis that i can get my dream. HOW?
there are many way to china.
it's a good word to give us motivation.
i have many plan to actuality my dream.
(SORRY ABAOUT MY ENGLISH, it's my first time write with english & i'll continue write something in my dasbor in english. i've many reason, first, i read some last time, if we want study english, we must make english in dayly conversation. second, practising english with a partner. third, make a new vocabulary every day).
i'll practice this metode, i THINK I CAN!

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